Category Archives: News

The bravery of a young Staten Island hate crime victim.

Did church teach them that it was OK to pick on a helpless special-ed kid whose skin is as dark as theirs? A kid who was told he was a “terrorist” who came to this country to “blow up buildings” before he was told to go back where he came from, which happens to be right here in the United States where he was born? The class punching bag that wouldn’t fight back?

Here’s a school bulletin: When you and your alleged pack of thugs go out of your way to mug, torture and humiliate a helpless kid every day in front of the entire school, you’re the terrorists.


Staten Island Keeps Eye on Hate Crimes

New York City council speaker Christine Quinn and Staten Island school leaders took the latest step   Friday in a multipart response to the wave of hate crimes that afflicted the borough earlier this year.

On Friday afternoon Quinn met with the principals of five schools in the Port Richmond area, the epicenter of 11 suspected hate crimes on Staten Island’s North Shore between April and August that included an attack on a gay couple at a White Castle restaurant. The attacks predominantly targeted Mexicans and involved African-American suspects. According to Quinn, the purpose of the meeting was to hear from the principals about how their elementary, middle, and high schools had addressed the surge in violence, which appears to have subsided in the borough, but not citywide.

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